The Cabinet du Roi

Many of the prints and books displayed in this exhibition belong to a vast publishing project known as the Cabinet du Roi (King’s Cabinet). Under Colbert’s supervision, the best French printmakers were commissioned to produce hundreds of large and detailed engravings of the royal collections and accomplishments. Beginning in 1670, some of these print series were combined with descriptive texts and published as books, while others remained without text and were bound and distributed as needed. Seen here are four splendid volumes commemorating festivals, tapestries, and ceiling paintings by Charles Le Brun and Pierre Mignard.

Section Items

Course de têtes: disposition des cinq quadrilles dans l’amphithéâtre

Course de têtes: disposition des cinq quadrilles dans l’amphithéâtre

[Riding at Heads: Position of the Five Quadrilles in the Amphitheater]
Illuminations du Palais et des Jardins de Versailles

Illuminations du Palais et des Jardins de Versailles

[Illuminations of the Palace and Gardens of Versailles]
Tapisseries du Roi: où sont représentés les quatre éléments et les quatre saisons

Tapisseries du Roi: où sont représentés les quatre éléments et les quatre saisons

[Tapestries of the King Depicting the Four Elements and the Four Seasons]
Apollon distribue des récompenses aux sciences et aux arts, et Minerve couronne le génie de la France

Apollon distribue des récompenses aux sciences et aux arts, et Minerve couronne le génie de la France

[Apollo Distributing Awards to the Sciences and the Arts, with Minerva Crowning the Genius of France]